Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dear Past Self

Dear Past Self,

I hope you keep on trying your best because I know how lazy you can get. You will be so happy and proud of yourself when you make it pro. Currently right now I am playing professional soccer. I got offered to skip college and go pro. I currently live in Mexico playing for our favorite Mexican team America. Besides just playing soccer, I also like to go visit my grandparents and just hang out with my family. It feels good to know that you made you parents proud. Besides this, my last 10 years of my life were good at times but they were also bad. You will get stressed out and tired from all the training but it will all be worth it. Bye.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

If you can end one problem in the world, what would it be?

One problem I see in the world is that bad influences are influencing other people to do the same thing they are doing. This is the one problem I would like to solve because this can affect everyone. Anyone can be influenced to do something that they are not supposed and then it turns into a habit. And if it continues, they would influence other and so on. A solution to this is by banning things like weed, guns, cigarettes and etc. By doing this, most people will not be doing all of this and they will not influence their friends. This is important for people to know because they would realize how bad it is and more people would take a stand to ban and to jail everyone who is influencing this. This is important to me because it would be sad to my family members and friends be influenced by this things/people. All I can do to stop it is by trying to be positive to those around who are going through this and by telling them to not doing anything bad. This is the one problem I would try to solve.