Thursday, January 28, 2016

What is this planet called Earth

Dear Alien,

Let me tell you about Earth. Earth is a round planet and is just one of the planets in our solar system. Earth has a tons of things that if I tell you it, a week would have passed. But some of the cooler things is that Earth has so much water and just a little bit of land. 97% of Earth is water and 3% is land. That is amazing.

Besides the water and land there is also people. The people here are nice, cool, generous and basically amazing. These people are very smart and it is these people that created all the amazing things in
Earth like sports and companies like nike and adidas. Yea so Earth is pretty great. You made the right decision to come to Earth

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Dream Job

My dream job is to become a professional soccer player. It is basically just another sport job and i  would like to playing soccer in Madrid, Spain for one of my favorite teams which is Real Madrid. The reason I would like to become a soccer player is because it is such a fun sport and I really love this sport. I am very passionate about it and I hope I get to accomplish my dream to become a pro.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Most Important Person In My Life

The most important person in my life is my mom. I am grateful to have her in my life. She is the reason I have succeeded in school.

She is so special to me because she has sacrificed her self so much so that I would have a good life. She is the most amazing person in the world. One thing I would like to tell her is that she is the best and i wish her the best life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My semester goal

My goal for the semester is an academic goal. I would like to type faster than what I already do by the end of January. I choose this goal because I have assignments that require me to type it on the computer and I take so much time because I am slow at typing. This goal will help me in my academic success because then I will not have to finish my assignments in the middle of the night and I will have more sleeping time so that I would be well rested everyday. To accomplish this goal I would type everyday for at least 30 mins. This would help me to get more familiarized with the keys. And by every weekend, I would take a test to see my progress to keep my self motivated. And to make sure that I will type everyday, I will write on it on my phone in notes and make siri to remind me everyday. The most challenging part of this would me wanting to type. This would be challenging because there are other stuff that I would like to do but I will not because of this goal.