Thursday, March 17, 2016

Digital Citiznship

Digital Citizenship are the norms to appropriate behavior of technology. This has 9 aspects to it. They are digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health, digital wellness, and digital security. All of this is to make sure someone understands how to be appropriate and responsible when using technology.

So I only use my phone and laptop. I use these two devices for school work, searching up things, and to watch videos on youtube. This is good for me because I get to know what my homework is for the day. I also get to just relax and not stress out over things like projects. But something bad about this is that I can become very addicted. This makes me sleep so late just because I am watching videos. And when I wake up I am so tired. And because I am watching videos on my phone or laptop, my neck starts to hurt.

Two aspects of digital citizenship that I know very know is copyright/intellectual property which is a law that can protect your work from being used without permission. The other aspect of digital citizenship that I know well is social media activism. Social media activism is when positive changes are being made through social media and that helps people to support that cause. There are also two aspects that I don't know very well and they are Info literacy and Netiquette. I can improve on this by asking my teacher what this means as well as asking peers who have knowledge on these two topics to help me out and know more about.

I can use technology to help me as a student to help me complete assignments such as study island and to further my knowledge on the subjects that I take in school such as math. When I'm an young adult I will use technology to help me find a job for part time until I get the job that I want. And as a digital citizenship, I will use technology to help aware others on how to be safe and appropriate on the web and to spread awareness to those close to help support the cause that I support. Technology will help me reach my goals by helping me choose the right college for me. By choosing the right college, I will be able to get my dream job and that will lead to success in my future.

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