Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Personality

This test says that my personality is the ESFJ personality. Some of my strengths are that I am very loyal and that I am good at connecting with others. I agree with this because it is true. I won't ever betray a friend and I always try to put myself in another person's shoes to know why did reacted in the way they did. Some of my weaknesses are that I am worried about my social status, I get offended easily, and that I fish out for compliments. I disagree with this because I don't care about social status and that I don't mind that others judge me because everyone has their own opinions. And I never try to fish for compliments because it is not something humble to do and no one should do good deeds just for compliments, they should do it because they want.

My personality didn't say what kind of friends are my type but it did say that I hang out in big groups and that I believe that my friends can do no harm and that they are saints. I agree that I do hang out in big groups but I disagree with the other. This is because I don't believe that my friends can do no harm. Everyone is capable of doing something wrong.

As for career paths, it says that the best job for me would be a personal acountant because I would get to help someone specifically and it also says that being an administrator would be the job for me because I get to control my company/brand. I disagree with the first job because I don't like to be working and doing math all day long. But I agree the second job because I do want to have my own company and I want to be the boss of it.

My final thoughts are that I agree with half of this. The other half I disagree with because it's not true. The test for me was alright because it wasn't so accurate but that's just my opinion.

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