Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ted Talk

So Wael said there were problems that social media was facing. He said that one of the problems was that rumors were spreading. This was bad because this can give someone or something a bad reputation and that someone or thing could have been Wael and that would have led to him being less effective when he was taking a stand for Egypt.The second problem is that everyone limits themselves to their own groups and don't let others join them unless they have the same beliefs. This was bad because people like that are becoming more and more ignorant because they don't let others give their point of view. The third problem is that online discussions  quickly descend to angry mobs. This is bad because people can get injured from this and possibly killed. The fourth problem is that it is hard to change our opinions because of the way social media is and that makes us to jump to conclusions. This is a problem because we don't realize what we agree to and sometimes we can do offend certain people by agreeing to it. The last problem is that we don't have meanigful  discussion and that we just prefer to post about it. This is bad because people don't realize how important it actually is and just end up posting about it just for recognition.

Wael also gave his ideas on how we can improve it. One way is by having a matrix so that we know how many were impacted so that the activist keep on doing what their doing. This is good because the more they can make a positive change, the better the world is. The last solution is that he said we need to create an effective crowdsourcing mechanism. This is good because it will spread the information to others and that will help make change for the better.

My Personality

This test says that my personality is the ESFJ personality. Some of my strengths are that I am very loyal and that I am good at connecting with others. I agree with this because it is true. I won't ever betray a friend and I always try to put myself in another person's shoes to know why did reacted in the way they did. Some of my weaknesses are that I am worried about my social status, I get offended easily, and that I fish out for compliments. I disagree with this because I don't care about social status and that I don't mind that others judge me because everyone has their own opinions. And I never try to fish for compliments because it is not something humble to do and no one should do good deeds just for compliments, they should do it because they want.

My personality didn't say what kind of friends are my type but it did say that I hang out in big groups and that I believe that my friends can do no harm and that they are saints. I agree that I do hang out in big groups but I disagree with the other. This is because I don't believe that my friends can do no harm. Everyone is capable of doing something wrong.

As for career paths, it says that the best job for me would be a personal acountant because I would get to help someone specifically and it also says that being an administrator would be the job for me because I get to control my company/brand. I disagree with the first job because I don't like to be working and doing math all day long. But I agree the second job because I do want to have my own company and I want to be the boss of it.

My final thoughts are that I agree with half of this. The other half I disagree with because it's not true. The test for me was alright because it wasn't so accurate but that's just my opinion.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Favorite Artist

I don't have a favorite artist but if I had to choose, I would choose Skrillex. I would choose him simply because his music is good and because each song has a nice beat which gets me ready and pumped up for my soccer games. Skrillex's real name is Sonny John Moore and he is an American electronic producer, DJ, singer, and a songwriter. Skrillex was born in Highland Park and he makes electric dance music, dubstep, electric house, and post-hardcore. One song that I liked was Where Are U Now because the instrumental made me feel like if I had a lot of energy and it got me in a mood to be active and play outside which is good for me before I play a soccer game. The song means when a person is asking where his or her partner are when they need them but to mean it doesn't have a meaning. It also doesn't relate to me because I am not asking for to be their with and because I only use this to be hyped up before a game or to have fun.

This is Skrillex and this is would be the way I feel before I play soccer when I am listening to his music.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Digital Citiznship

Digital Citizenship are the norms to appropriate behavior of technology. This has 9 aspects to it. They are digital access, digital commerce, digital communication, digital literacy, digital etiquette, digital law, digital rights and responsibilities, digital health, digital wellness, and digital security. All of this is to make sure someone understands how to be appropriate and responsible when using technology.

So I only use my phone and laptop. I use these two devices for school work, searching up things, and to watch videos on youtube. This is good for me because I get to know what my homework is for the day. I also get to just relax and not stress out over things like projects. But something bad about this is that I can become very addicted. This makes me sleep so late just because I am watching videos. And when I wake up I am so tired. And because I am watching videos on my phone or laptop, my neck starts to hurt.

Two aspects of digital citizenship that I know very know is copyright/intellectual property which is a law that can protect your work from being used without permission. The other aspect of digital citizenship that I know well is social media activism. Social media activism is when positive changes are being made through social media and that helps people to support that cause. There are also two aspects that I don't know very well and they are Info literacy and Netiquette. I can improve on this by asking my teacher what this means as well as asking peers who have knowledge on these two topics to help me out and know more about.

I can use technology to help me as a student to help me complete assignments such as study island and to further my knowledge on the subjects that I take in school such as math. When I'm an young adult I will use technology to help me find a job for part time until I get the job that I want. And as a digital citizenship, I will use technology to help aware others on how to be safe and appropriate on the web and to spread awareness to those close to help support the cause that I support. Technology will help me reach my goals by helping me choose the right college for me. By choosing the right college, I will be able to get my dream job and that will lead to success in my future.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thomas Edison Quote

I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun. - Thomas Edison

To mean this quote means that you should always do something you like to do. You shouldn't be doing something you don't like because you going to be negative. This is valuable because this can help someone find their purpose in life and they can do something they love as a living. This quote relates to me because I try to live like this. I really like soccer and it's hard to play the sport when you have to do so much work. But I always try to find a way to play soccer every week because it is something I love to do.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dear Past Self

Dear Past Self,

I hope you keep on trying your best because I know how lazy you can get. You will be so happy and proud of yourself when you make it pro. Currently right now I am playing professional soccer. I got offered to skip college and go pro. I currently live in Mexico playing for our favorite Mexican team America. Besides just playing soccer, I also like to go visit my grandparents and just hang out with my family. It feels good to know that you made you parents proud. Besides this, my last 10 years of my life were good at times but they were also bad. You will get stressed out and tired from all the training but it will all be worth it. Bye.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

If you can end one problem in the world, what would it be?

One problem I see in the world is that bad influences are influencing other people to do the same thing they are doing. This is the one problem I would like to solve because this can affect everyone. Anyone can be influenced to do something that they are not supposed and then it turns into a habit. And if it continues, they would influence other and so on. A solution to this is by banning things like weed, guns, cigarettes and etc. By doing this, most people will not be doing all of this and they will not influence their friends. This is important for people to know because they would realize how bad it is and more people would take a stand to ban and to jail everyone who is influencing this. This is important to me because it would be sad to my family members and friends be influenced by this things/people. All I can do to stop it is by trying to be positive to those around who are going through this and by telling them to not doing anything bad. This is the one problem I would try to solve.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

What is this planet called Earth

Dear Alien,

Let me tell you about Earth. Earth is a round planet and is just one of the planets in our solar system. Earth has a tons of things that if I tell you it, a week would have passed. But some of the cooler things is that Earth has so much water and just a little bit of land. 97% of Earth is water and 3% is land. That is amazing.

Besides the water and land there is also people. The people here are nice, cool, generous and basically amazing. These people are very smart and it is these people that created all the amazing things in
Earth like sports and companies like nike and adidas. Yea so Earth is pretty great. You made the right decision to come to Earth

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

My Dream Job

My dream job is to become a professional soccer player. It is basically just another sport job and i  would like to playing soccer in Madrid, Spain for one of my favorite teams which is Real Madrid. The reason I would like to become a soccer player is because it is such a fun sport and I really love this sport. I am very passionate about it and I hope I get to accomplish my dream to become a pro.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Most Important Person In My Life

The most important person in my life is my mom. I am grateful to have her in my life. She is the reason I have succeeded in school.

She is so special to me because she has sacrificed her self so much so that I would have a good life. She is the most amazing person in the world. One thing I would like to tell her is that she is the best and i wish her the best life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My semester goal

My goal for the semester is an academic goal. I would like to type faster than what I already do by the end of January. I choose this goal because I have assignments that require me to type it on the computer and I take so much time because I am slow at typing. This goal will help me in my academic success because then I will not have to finish my assignments in the middle of the night and I will have more sleeping time so that I would be well rested everyday. To accomplish this goal I would type everyday for at least 30 mins. This would help me to get more familiarized with the keys. And by every weekend, I would take a test to see my progress to keep my self motivated. And to make sure that I will type everyday, I will write on it on my phone in notes and make siri to remind me everyday. The most challenging part of this would me wanting to type. This would be challenging because there are other stuff that I would like to do but I will not because of this goal.